Our Classrooms

Where the Magic Happens

We root in a human curriculum that focuses on the child’s developmental range of Self and Community – Who I am, and who am I in relationship to community? Foundationally we foster a human curriculum of how to care for ourselves, help take care of others, understand our feelings and emotions, and those of others, while developing an understanding and relationship with the Earth. From a human curriculum our Early Childhood Teachers facilitate Emergent learning through documentation, research, refection, and planning. We use Learning Stories to cocreate curriculum with our children and families. Each story is written to the child themselves.

Where the Magic Happens

Individual and group play laboratories for various ages. Our core offerings center in music, movement, and language. However, Play Laboratories are inspired by the children and families in our community.

The Giraffes Home Room ages are estimated around early 2s.


Our earliest 2s are nurtured in a homelike, family environment with 5 students. Curricula has an overall emphasis on care of the Self, emotional awareness, and awareness of Community. Curriculum is deepened with family partnerships and Learning Stories.


The Giraffes Home Room ages are estimated around early 2s.


Our earliest 2s are nurtured in a homelike, family environment with 5 students. Curricula has an overall emphasis on care of the Self, emotional awareness, and awareness of Community. Curriculum is deepened with family partnerships and Learning Stories.


The Frog classroom is an environment for deepening emotional awareness, wellbeing, communication, and relationships. Curricula has an overall emphasis on awareness of Self, Community, and Earth; and is deepened with family partnerships and child interests.

The Frog’s Home Room ages are estimated from 2s to early 3s.


The Frog’s Home Room ages are estimated from 2s to early 3s.


The Frog classroom is an environment for deepening emotional awareness, wellbeing, communication, and relationships. Curricula has an overall emphasis on awareness of Self, Community, and Earth; and is deepened with family partnerships and child interests.

The Lady Bug Home Room ages are estimated from 3s to Late 3s.

Lady Bugs

The Lady Bug’s are a part of a mixed age group Spanish immersion classroom. Curricula is immersed with Spanish as connections to Self, Emotional Intelligence, Community, Earth, and Culture are enriched and deepened by family partnerships and Learning Stories.


The Lady Bug Home Room ages are estimated from 3s to Late 3s.

Lady Bugs

The Lady Bug’s are a part of a mixed age group Spanish immersion classroom. Curricula is immersed with Spanish as connections to Self, Emotional Intelligence, Community, Earth, and Culture are enriched and deepened by family partnerships and Learning Stories.

Glacier Bears

Our pre-kindergarten class is the second tier to our multi age group Spanish Immersion classroom with a focus on the virtues of Community and individual Responsibility. As well as thoughtful support of play and learning experiences that promote a holistic wellbeing for Kindergarten entrance.

Curricula is enriched and deepened by family partnerships and Learning Stories.

 The Bear Home Room ages are estimated for pre-kindergarten children.


 The Bear Home Room ages are estimated for pre-kindergarten children.

Glacier Bears

Our pre-kindergarten class is the second tier to our multi age group Spanish Immersion classroom with a focus on the virtues of Community and individual Responsibility. As well as thoughtful support of play and learning experiences that promote a holistic wellbeing for Kindergarten entrance.

Curricula is enriched and deepened by family partnerships and Learning Stories.


Music is for everyone! Here, we explore, experiment and discover what music means to each of us.

Music Classroom

Our Music Director provides opportunities for children to play with music through a range of experiences, disciplines, and projects utilizing real production tools like sound boards, lighting, microphones, baby grand piano, drums, and recording.

Music Events:

Variety Shows: Variety shows are collaborative performances with individual children, classrooms, teachers, and families. Everyone has an opportunity to play with performance and expression with the support of our music director!

Tongue Drum Concert: Each student has their own individual tongue drum that they gradually learn the care of and how to use for individual expression and community symphony

Family Concerts: We offer family concerts showcasing popular songs from beloved movies and shows


Music is for everyone! Here, we explore, experiment and discover what music means to each of us.

Music Classroom

Our Music Director provides opportunities for children to play with music through a range of experiences, disciplines, and projects utilizing real production tools like sound boards, lighting, microphones, baby grand piano, drums, and recording.

Music Events:

Variety Shows: Variety shows are collaborative performances with individual children, classrooms, teachers, and families. Everyone has an opportunity to play with performance and expression with the support of our music director!

Tongue Drum Concert: Each student has their own individual tongue drum that they gradually learn the care of and how to use for individual expression and community symphony

Family Concerts: We offer family concerts showcasing popular songs from beloved movies and shows


An inviting art studio, accessible to artists of all sizes, styles, and imaginations.

The Atelier

The art studio is a space for individual expression, group projects, and learning the various tools that help us express, create, and deconstruct. Our school Atelierista works with individual students, small groups, families, and classrooms to support individual connections to art and emotional wellbeing. 


We host 2 School Galleries  a year that showcase learning journeys, individual and class projects and provide students and families a reflection of their work, growth, and learner identities.


An inviting art studio, accessible to artists of all sizes, styles, and imaginations.

The Atelier

The art studio is a space for individual expression, group projects, and learning the various tools that help us express, create, and deconstruct. Our school Atelierista works with individual students, small groups, families, and classrooms to support individual connections to art and emotional wellbeing. 


We host 2 School Galleries  a year that showcase learning journeys, individual and class projects and provide students and families a reflection of their work, growth, and learner identities.


Outside space is human space and essential to the well-being of us all.

Outdoor Classroom

There is no greater place to grow than outside. Our outdoor classrooms have their own curriculum holding space for things like the study of insects, botany, weather, cloud formation, animal life, environmental care and upkeep, gardening, geology and moon changes. We also know that play is richer outdoors, children have healthier outcomes, and above all it is essential.


Outside space is human space and essential to the well-being of us all.

Outdoor Classroom

There is no greater place to grow than outside. Our outdoor classrooms have their own curriculum holding space for things like the study of insects, botany, weather, cloud formation, animal life, environmental care and upkeep, gardening, geology and moon changes. We also know that play is richer outdoors, children have healthier outcomes, and above all it is essential.

Classrooms in Action